KOME is a rug and textile brand by Kelsey Taylor Hunt born from a love of minimal design and unconventional shapes. While studying fashion design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, she was inspired by the city’s brutalist architecture which she translated into creating strong sculptural silhouettes. After University, working in both fashion and costume design, Kelsey Taylor was able to explore different avenues of design and found purpose in the slow and local making movement. Leading up to her launch of KOME, Kelsey Taylor worked to help artists and small businesses grow with her work merchandising at Etsy.com. Encouraged by the many makers she was surrounded by, she decided to take her love for design, textiles, and form, and join them in industry.

Now located in Singapore, Kelsey Taylor is finding fresh inspiration from its modern architecture set among wild tropical flora. She finds as much beauty in the run-down plant-covered buildings as she does in the shiny sharp angles of the never-ending new construction. KOME’s aesthetic is a product of this tension between hard angles and soft shapes. Throughout her design journey, she’s looked for new ways of ethical fiber sourcing and sustainable practices, using food waste from local restaurants and home-grown plants for dyes. To learn more of her process and inspiration, check out @kome.design instagram.